AnyBizSoft PDF to HTML Converter

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Publisher description

AnyBizSoft PDF to HTML Converter can convert PDF to HTML file and preserve the original page layout as best as technically possible with one click. And it can automatically link page numbers to all generated pages and resize pictures to fit frame borders. PDF to HTML is a stand-alone program and does not require Adobe Acrobat, or even Adobe Reader. Key Features of AnyBizSoft PDF to HTML Converter: 1. Convert PDF to HTML with one click. 2. Support conversion from encrypted PDF files and password protected documents. 3. Automatically link page numbers to all generated pages and resize pictures to fit frame borders. 4. Customize background color and image quality of output web page. 5. Preserve text content, page layouts, images and hyperlinks. 6. It can run without Adobe Acrobat software, yet you do not need to install Adobe Reader to view. 7. Converted HTML file can be automatically loaded immediately to brower after conversion complete. 8. Support drag-and-drop feature and page range conversion (all, from-to, individual pages). 9. Batch conversion of multiple PDF files at one time. 10. Support Adobe PDF 1.0 - 1.7 protocol.

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